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We combine the best AI, Big Data and Machine Learning technologies to help your organization become truly Data Driven.
Born in 2018, in Venice, we provides consulting services to SMEs, developing customized solutions and predictive models that ensure companies have control over their data.
Our goal is to develop customized e-commerce’s solutions to meet any need in order to automate processes.
We help visualize business problems from a data perspective, understand the principles for extracting useful knowledge, and provide the best solutions to our clients.
Sirio is an advanced monitoring system capable of tracking the technological anomalies present within your E-commerce
Sirio detects e-commerce’s problems from 3 different points of view
1. TECHNOLOGICALSirio detects all the technological anomalies present within the site such as javascript errors, 404 errors, downsites and slow pages and weighs the missing turnover on the basis of these. When there are peaks of anomalies, the customer is notified in real time and, by downloading the relative table with specific error messages, it is possible to make changes to make the site perform in the best possible way.
2. PERFORMANCEBy knowing the lost revenue from the errors you encounter, you can fix and recover them.
3. BEHAVIOURALWhat is the user's journey through the funnel? Where does he finds problems?
NB: The strength of this technological product lies in the ability to identify anomalies of different types starting from drops recorded by proprietary tracking systems