
Giulio Finzi

Netcomm Services

Senior Advisor
Giulio has been working alongside Italian companies for more than twenty years in communication and web sales projects. He conceived the first Italian shopping comparison, Costameno.it, launched in 2000 and in 2003 he created the first fair for e-commerce, Ecommerceland, within Smau. For six years he managed the Shopping Channels of the Repubblica Group, Fastweb and MSN Italia. In 2005 he co-founded Netcomm, the Italian Digital Commerce Consortium, which today counts among its 450 members international companies such as Amazon, Google, PayPal and Zalando. He has collaborated as a consultant in the creation of more than fifty eCommerce projects, including: Diego Dalla Palma, Furla, La Perla, Tod's, Maserati, Terranova, Roberto Cavalli, Xerjoff, La Martina and Illy. Since 2012 he coordinates and manages digital projects in China, in collaboration with the main local players such as Alibaba, JD, WeChat, Xiaohongshu and Douyin. Giulio is a professor in numerous Italian universities and business schools, including the Catholic University of Milan, LUISS in Rome and 24Ore Business School. Since 2022 he has been Retail Leader of Intarget, with the mission of helping brands to evolve their distribution and commercial models, at the service of new omnichannel consumers.